
Feeling Lucky

And who wouldn’t if you found not one, but two four leaf clovers in one morning? 
We walked down a different road this morning and while I was taking pictures of wildflowers, Jim just happened to look down and there was a four leaf clover.P1060325
We continued on our walk, I took more pictures of flowers.  I saw another fresh badger den , held my camera down and got a picture of dirt.  OK…no one home and no one hissing…thank goodness.  We got back to where he found the first four leaf and as he glanced over to the right, there was another one!
So now what to do with these 2 lucky four leaf clovers?  Press them?  That’s what I did.  Right now they’re way in the back yellow pages of a Madison phone book with two other phone books on top of it.
I couldn’t help but think of this song and now I can’t get it out of my head.  Care to join me in a verse or two?
I'm looking over a four-leaf clover
That I overlooked before
One leaf is sunshine, the second is rain
Third is the roses that grow in the lane

No need explaining, the one remaining
Is somebody I adore
I'm looking over a four-leaf clover
That I overlooked before


CAROLDEE said...

I commented at facebook too but I surely would see if it really was lucky and buy that big lotto ticket.. when you do make sure you remember your Sis in Michigan told you to do it.;) hehehehhe

Beth said...

I love that song and I do think there is only the one verse to it. I must confess that the naughty version is running through my mind right now. Shame on you!! :-) Get that lotto ticket ASAP!

Lindy said...

Wow is all I can say. I can never find one if I'm looking for one.

Elaine said...

Definitely play the lotto!

Jodi said...

Well Lucky, lucky you! I was just taking pictures of my small pot of clover but mine are the three leaf kind. Maybe your luck will rub off on me too .. if I go look harder I'll find a four leafed one? :)

Ramblingon said...

Dang..that song is running thru my head!!! Where's a badger when you need one? (to scare the song out of my head)

Unknown said...

What a great find. I bet you have a project all lined up for them. Be careful with those Badgers, they will attack.

Curtis said...

I member when I use to go out a lookin' for 4 leaf clovers. Nice pitchers again as usual. Now I gotta listen to lots of different songs to try n git that one outta my head. Ya'll keep on a walkin' and takin' them thar nice pitchers fer us uns to look at.

Lady Penelope said...

I've never, ever found a four leaf clover, you'll have to let us know if it brings extra luck at all..and yes, first thing which comes to mind it Lottery ticket...mercenary or what?
and now I can't get that jingle type song out of my head...bye for now..x
